Information for Prospective Students

Thank you for your interest in the Leaf Lab. I am interested in recruiting Masters and PhD candidates with an interest and enthusiasm for research and a record of academic excellence. We are engaged in a range of fisheries and ecological research and a survey of the recent and current research projects conducted in the lab will give you a sense of our research foci.

I generally accept students only when I have funding available, and advertise these available positions on a variety of fishery job boards. The Division of Coastal Sciences does offer COA Graduate Fellowship Opportunities for exceptional students.

If you are interested in learning more about the work done in my lab your first step is to spend some time on this website and the Division of Coastal Sciences and USM Graduate School’s website to learn more about graduate study at USM.

Application dates for USM’s department of Coastal Science:

Fall application deadline: May 15th Spring application deadline: Oct. 15th

The application process: